Round Robin 2020 #13

Round Robin 2020  #13

Friday, January 1, 2016

Honlulu Altered Books Group 4th Quarter final round up.

Aloha, and Happy New Year,

Well, we finally got the blog back on line after a long time of fighting those dreaded electronic bug-a-boos. But I learned a lot from this last round robin by using the themes of the books to help me get through this ordeal. Such as, It can be mundane doing this blog every month, but when it is finished it is sublime. When the blog is finished I can then chill-lax'. Also, when the blog is finished it's what makes me sing. Weather I'm on a high rise adventure or constructing a game plan, I can always design and create art, be it a circle of color or by way of a mystery palette challenge.  I can thank my faerie folk friends for they are my true heroes, with their imagination illustrated guidance.  It's about time to thank everybody for their patience for the long wait.  Now
what's my line? Oh, yes! Thanks to Deb Z for her generosity for giving us a place to meet each month at Rubber Stamp Plantation.
Please enjoy the last three months of creative art..


September 2015

Sue shares her Mom-ism's
in her "What's My Line" layout.

Sue had more lines from her Mama to
share with us, so she actually had to do two spreads
to complete her "What's My Line" contribution.

Debbie tells us it's never to late
to follow your dreams in the
"It's About Time" book.

It's Time!

to lose yourself...
be true to your nature.
Be unique!

Stephanie shares a tall tale in the "High Rise Adventure/Tall Tales" book.

Pat warns us about what's about to come
in he "Faerie Folk" layout.

Kinda spooky, don't you think?

Jennifer shows us what makes her sing.
in her "What Makes Me Sing" spread.

Lorena's "Design and Create Art" layout
shares with us that planting the seeds of art can
lead to a lifetime of fulfillment.

Kim & Kehau had no trouble in designing
their "Constructing a Game Plan" spread.

Pam's "Imagination Illustrated" layout
reveals secrets,

in this never ending book of secrets.

Su shares this reflective city and seascape using
her "Mystery Palette Challenge" colors.

Rosemary shows us 'Heroes"
who have inspired her,

heroes who have helped people...

and done amazing things...

And some who weren't afraid to dream.

Amy's "Circle of Color" layout might raise
a few hares. LOL!

Lorraine finds the Eiffel Tower to be
just Sublime!
"From the Mundane to the Sublime"

Darrell's way to "Chill-Lax is to sit at the beach
and take feet and sea selfies!

October 2015

Su reminds us that a positive attitude can add
joy to one's life.

Rosemary shares with us her spring "Circle of Color" page.

Amy likes her coffee, but being able to share the
experience can be most sublime.
"From the Mundane to the Sublime"

Espresso yourself to the sublime!

Lorraine finds a beach to be the best place to "Chill-Lax".

Darrell looks into some classic lines from
game shows past.
"What's My Line"

Sue shares with us the different phases of the moon
in her "It's about time" page.

Debbie terrorizes NYC with her
Stay-Puft Marshmallow Man in the
"High Rise Adventures" book.

Stephanie shares simple little things with us in her
"Faerie Folk" pages.

Pat shares her love of life and trees, where every
leaf can give you a reason to sing.
"This is what Makes Me Sing" .

Jennifer shares a quote by Basho
in her "Design and Create Art" spread.

Lorena's "Game Plan" was to get from point A to point B.
That's when things got complicated. Fortunately, she didn't get lost!

Kim and Kehau explore Maurice Sendak's Wild Things, which inspired Jim Henson's
creatures in the "Imagination Illustrated"

They are not at all like the Muppets.

The wild things.

Max didn't want to be eaten.

Pam uses the colors from her "Mystery Palette Challenge"

November 2015

Kim And Kehau made a splash using the colors from the "Mystery Palette Challenge" 

"Mystery Palette Challenge"
part two.

Pam uses minions to tell her story
about who can be a hero in your life.

Su created this great pop-up tree using her colors in
the "Circle of Color book.
Don't you just love Su's trees?

Rosemary explores chaos as a link
between "The Mundane to the Sublime".

And, of course, humor can be sublime.


Amy seems agree that the beach is the
best place on earth to "Chill-Lax"

Lorraine created a movie-themed "What's my Line"
match game.

Darrell's "It's About Time" page is about hurry up and wait.
When will my package arrive?

Sue must be dreaming about ox tail soup in
her Paul Bunyan "High Rise Adventures/ Tall Tales"

Debbie explores the story of the Cottingley fairies
in her "Faerie Folk" spread.

Was it a hoax?

Stephanie's "What Makes Me Sing" simply
states  "Sing your own song" in this colorful spread.

Pat used fabric and felt to create her "Design and Create Art"

Jennifer's "Constructing a Game Plan" is
about looking for inspiration.
Lorena shares an inspirational quote from Jim Henson.
""Imagination Illustrated".
"The world of imagination is there for all of us."

The completed books!

Stuffed with great art.

Left to right...
Kim, Kehau, Su, Lorena, Pat, Jennifer,
Amy, Debbie and Darrell.

We look forward to beginning
a new round robin in February 2016!