It's time to begin the next chapter in the Honolulu Altered Books Group. As we begin our 9th round robin we would like to welcome two new members, Pat and Sue, to the group. We have already met Pat at our first meeting, and the invitation is being offically issued to Sue to come to Hawaii to attend a meeting!
Please be sure to sign the front of your art work so we can give credit to the artist.
We again want to thank Deb Z for her generosity in providing a meeting place at Rubber Stamp Plantation for our monthly meetings. Please visit her web site and pass it along to your art friends as well.
Please enjoy viewing creative images created by our members.
“I found I could say things with color and shapes that I couldn't say any other way--things I had no words for.” Georgia O'Keeffe
Kim & Kehau's theme for this round is Heroes. |
Who is your favorite hero? |
Super heroes or Villains? |
Eddie Aikau is a hero of Kim & Kehau. |
Exploring super heroes. |
Lorena's theme is Mystery Palette Challange. |
Your spread should contain only the pre-selected
colors in sealed packets prepared by Lorena & randomly
selected. |
Off islanders: your packet will be mailed to you. |
Here are the sealed color packs. |
Pat's theme for this round is Constructing a
Game Plan. |
What is the Game Plan? |
Do you have a plan? |
Don't you need a plan? |
Su's book theme is From the Mundane
to the Sublime. |
What makes you gasp? |
What takes your breath away? |
What ordinary things are beautiful? |
What is sublime? |
Don't forget to sign in! |
Amy's theme is What's my Line? |
Use your funny lines, pick up lines, story lines... |
...Punch lines, movie lines. What is your line? |
Jennifer's theme for this round is
Imagination Illustrated. |
Who are you really? |
What lives in your imagination? |
Please write on the wall. |
Who is your muse? |
Finish the previous layout.... |
..and/or start a new one for the next person to complete. |
Darrell's theme is High-Rise Adventures.
Stories above 50 Stories. |
Share your favorite tall tale, myth or legend, or
make up your own funny, impossible tale. |
Debbie's theme for this round is
This is What Makes Me Sing.
What makes you happy enough to want to sing?
Your favorite song? Favorite memory?
Favorite singer? What does music mean to you? |
Pam's theme is Circle of Creative Color. |
Select a color that begins with your initial. |
Use the color for your spread. |
Hint: find a paint chip color begining with your initial. |
Sue's theme is Faerie Folk. |
The naughty, mischievous little magic folk: |
elves, brownies, pixies, faeries, imps, goblins... |
...trolls, banshees, sea nymphs, leprechauns.
No Disney, please! |
Stephanie's theme is Design & Create Art. |
In any fashion you desire. Use your
creative talent! |
Lorraine's theme for this round is
It's About Time. |
Time pieces, your favorite times, time of day, good times,
time of your life, what time is it? |
Rosemary's theme is Chill-Lax. |
Chill Out. |
Relax, cool off, be cool... |
or take a dip. |