Aloha everyone,
Yes, it has been a long time since we have last comunicated via this blog.
But, now it is time to dust off your work stations and get out those supplies because we
are ready to continue the round robin starting on Feb 9th.
Please enjoy looking at the November 2012 photos to
inspire your artistic muse.
The artist who procrastinates long enough
will eventually post the photos to the blog.
Darrell West
Teri takes us on a Steampunk Journey in her
Floral Steampunk Fantasy spread. |
Here, Diane explores the Origins of Man. |
Darrell takes the Pockets of Quotes theme literally.
Debbie picked the color of the sea in her Colors of the Rainbow layout. |
Dreaming of the sea! |
Kim and Kehau take a look at a Conspiracy Theory...... |
.... With some humor, of course. |
Also where do cats come from. |
Hey, is that the Donald's Cat? |
What came first; the Chicken or the Egg? |
Dorie takes us on a "trip" with Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds
for the Diamonds and Rust book. |
Lori shares her All About Me layout in the ALL book. |
Hope sends a message in a bottle in her Ooh La La Mailbag spread. |
She's sending out an SOS. |
Amy takes us on a Fairy Tale with Hansel And Gretel. |
Hmm, What's cookin? |
Jennifer asks, Why do you Tattoo?, In her To Be Or Not To Be layout. |
Lorena shows us what happens in real life in her Got Humor spread. |
So True! |
Su shows us her Alchemy spread. |
It is quite revealing! |
Stephanie shares us some Wicked spells in her Wicked layout. |
Lorraine really had to Multi Task to come up with this Octopus spread. |
Check out Pam in her Childhood Memories adventure. |
Marcy captures the Mid Century Modern theme in her layout. |
Some nice digs! |