We had a great meeting this month that showcased lots of great art for all to enjoy. Thanks to everyone for getting your artwork to us on time. It really helps us in prepping for the meeting.
We are now down to just six more rounds. Then we can get your big fat books back into your hands for you to enjoy.
Please take a look at this months art.
“The artist is a receptacle for emotions that come from all over the place: from the sky, from the earth, from a scrap of paper, from a passing shape, from a spider’s web. ” ~Pablo Picasso
Kim & Kehau created this stitched Dragon
for the Wicked book. |
Su explores the colors of the season in her
beautiful use of trees. |
fall and winter. |
Lorena takes us to an aquarium to see
an Octopus's perspective in the Octopus book. |
Hope shows us her feather Definition
in the Definition book. |
Hope explained to us that ferruginous
means containing iron oxides or rust, in her
Definitions layout. |
Dorie keeps us laughing in her Shakespeare
parody to sing or not to sing, in her To Be
or Not To Be layout. |
Darrell filled his pockets with fish...... |
....tale quotes for the Pockets of
Quotes book. |
Amy got out her poodle skirt and 45s
for her I love Mid-Century Modern spread. |
Teri takes us on a journey of the Tlingit
Creation Myth in her
Origins of man layout. |
The Gray Eagle |
Gray eagle's daughter falls in love with the Raven. |
The Raven stole from the Gray Eagle the sun, stars,
moon, water and fire. |
The Raven hangs up the light. |
He drops the water. |
The raven delivers fire and turns black due
to the smoke. |
Stephanie does it all in her All spread. |
Debbie explores conundrums about
signs in the Visual Incongruities
and Conundrums book.
"Do this don't do that, can't
you read the signs." |
Signs, signs, everywhere a sign. |
No signs on fence?? |
Jennifer explores what happened to Amelia Earhart
in her Book of Secrets and Conspiracies layout. |
Lorraine explores transformation
of matter in her Alchemy spread. |
Ta-da!! |
Rosemary had a ball exploring the field
in her Diamonds and Rust spread. |
Marcy explores the humor in found object art in
her Got Humor layout. |
Ooh La La. Pam mailed this extra large
envelope for the Ooh La La Mailbag book. |
Insert mail here. |
Diane shares her Fairy Tales
layout. |
May created this SteamPunk Floral
robot, He looks all geared up! |
Stephanie enlightens us about the battle
between science and religion in her
Origins of Man spread. |