The February Honolulu altered book round robin meeting had quite a turn out.
We were pleased to have Pam Yee in attendance all the way from Michigan. Although Loraine Haralson was not in Hawaii at the time of the meeting, upon her arrival later in the week several members were able to get together for "Art Night" at Rubber Stamp Plantation. What fun we had sharing projects, techniques and ideas!
We look forward to another exciting month of creative altered masterpieces.
"Art enables us to find ourselves and lose ourselves at the same time."
Thomas Merton
Jan. 2011
technique in the found objects book.
Found objects book.
Corrine's Nick Bantock inspired pages.

Bantock continued.
Bantock continued.
Jan. 2011

Loraine's multi-layered Turtle layout.
I see fish, but where is the turtle?
I wonder where this turtle lives.
Welcome to the islands.
Loraine's multi-layered Turtle layout.
March 2011
Lift the tab for image of each letter.
Jessica shows off her artistic talent in the Moonscapes book.
The Wet Moon explained.

Sox shows us a beautiful textured Mandala
Back page of sox's Mandala.
Sox shows us a beautiful textured Mandala
The journeys of the main characters take us across the arid Indian landscape,
culminating at the elusive fair.