Welcome back to the Honolulu Altered Books Group Blog. We had a great meeting at Rubber Stamp Plantation this month and as always we thank Deb Z for us letting us use her shop as a meeting place. No wonder her shop was voted the 2010 best place to create art in Honolulu!
We had a great turnout for our January 2011 meeting, as well as some fabulous book layouts.
Please enjoy this month's art. We are looking forward to the upcoming months. Also we are thrilled that some of our mainland members will be here attend some of our meetings in the next few months.
"There are books so alive that you're always afraid that while you weren't reading. the book has gone and changed, has shifted like a river; while you went on living, it went on living, too, and like a river moved on and moved away. No one has stepped twice into the same river. But did anyone ever step twice into the same book?"
Marina Tsvetaeva

Tamara uses a paint and toothpick technique in the Lines and angles book.

Lori Shows us some great technique in the Cat and Mouse book.

Darrell joins in on the journey through the Nick Bantock book.

Debbie takes us on a nostalgic trip through Jeannie's bottle.

Socrates celebrates Life and ......


Lorraine shows us one of her three wishes.

Laurie takes on the Paths and Parallel universe Book.

Laurie's Alphabetica layout.

Laurie's Victorian Era spread.

Fancy gloves!

Stephanie takes us on a trip around London, Paris, Rome and Asia.

Laurie explores the sense of Wonder.

Check out the detail on Ingrid's Mandala.

Kathy is Having a Great time in Egypt.

Rosemary takes us on a trip into the Victorian Era.

More of Rosemary's Victorian Era.

Mike's entry is brought to you by the letter K

More Mike

more , more Mike

more, more, more Mike

Su has a great twist on the Free to Fly book.

More of Su's free to Fly

Hey, shouldn't the fish be in the fish bowl? Su?

Dee shows us some moonlight.

What's a Moon without a Witch?

Deb Z shows us her fabulous Honu.

Pam shows us a neat spiral pop up in the Circles book.

Amy takes to verse and art in this tongue and cheek layout.

More verse...

I don't know about you, but I have an urge for green eggs and ham.

Fran shares the fear of rain. You wouldn't like living in Kaneohe where it rains almost daily!

Lorena shows us her guilty pleasures with a multitude of fingernails in every color.
Not to mention the bling.

Version one of nails and bling.
See the Video and the bottom of the blog for the whole demo.

If you can't laugh at yourself, who can you laugh at?
You never know what might happen at one of our meetings.